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Heterodoxia en la poesía nacionalista puertorriqueña: Reelaboraciones del legado de Pedro Albizu Campos en la obra de Francisco Matos Paoli y Lolita Lebrón.” (Hispanic Review 92.2, 2024, pp. 223-245).

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When Community Utopias Neutralize Biomedical Morals: The Poetry of Covid-19 in Peru and Chile.” (Pandemic and Narration: COVID-19 Narratives in Latin America, edited by Andrea Espinoza Carvajal and Luis A. Medina Cordova. Wilmington, Vernon Press, 2024)

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 “Is the Author Dead in the Poetry of Disease? Authorship, Modern Poetry, and Medical Language." (Routledge Handbook of Medicine and Poetry, edited by Alan Bleakley and Shane Neilson. London, Routledge, 2024)

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Latin American Cancer Poetry: Medicine, Political Violence and Collective Memory.” (Modern Language Notes 136, 2021, pp. 292-312).

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Memory Is an Act of Love: Poetics of the HIV/AIDS outbreak in Puerto Rico.” (Romance Notes 60.2, 2020, pp. 289-301).

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Naturaleza, arte y amor en tres poemas largos de Javier Sologuren: Estancias (1960), Recinto (1967) y La hora (1980).” Boletín de la Academia Peruana de la Lengua, nº. 61, 2016, pp. 69-92.

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